Magic in the mundane
Hello hello my people,
Is it too late to wish you a happy new year? I hope not. Happy and blissful new year to you and I hope the year’s going well for you. I also hope you’re following up on all the resolutions you made? Well, even if it isn’t or you aren’t, it’s only the first month. Don’t be discouraged.
As is very typical of me, I made my own new year’s resolution. However cliche these resolutions have become, I still believe firmly in using timelines to create goals for ourselves. Setting ten goals doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll accomplish all ten of them. It means, however, that you now have something to guide you on the right path. So, set goals. Make resolutions.
Now, what if I told you one of the resolutions I had for myself this year was to dump this blog and do something “more meaningful”? Saying it out loud now, I feel a little...stupid? But really, that was what I was aiming for. However, it’s 1am on a morning where I have 8am class and I bump into something. I’m scrolling through my Instagram and I see a video that caught my attention. I can’t narrate the entire video but I remember a quote from it: “don’t just dwell on seeking the spectacular; there’s beauty in the mundane”. When I saw that, I paused - in the most literal sense of the word. I paused. I read it again. and again. That was definitely a message for me and nothing can convince me otherwise.
I’ve spent the first few weeks of the year hoping for some spectacular inspiration from above on what meaningful thing to do this year and maybe in my writing. I was looking up, down, left, right. I was looking everywhere but right in front me. I have this platform, however little it may seem. And I’m not sure who I let convince me that it wasn’t meaningful enough but I am going to have to speak to their manager.
This doesn’t mean I’m going to stop striving for “the spectacular” anymore, though. I have just now realized that I can’t exactly be stretching my hands forth for a miracle when the little ones in front of me are barely being used. All I can think of is the parable of the talents somewhere in Matthew 25. I feel like I was that guy with the one talent that blatantly refused to put it to good use. However, I am now striving to be the resourceful servant whose talent sowing efforts got rewarded. I’m still not sure what or how I’m going to go about this sowing but the important thing is that my heart is now open for the inspiration to drop. And that my eyes are open as well to see the magic in the mundane.
I am mostly speaking to myself but I hope that this message also resonates with you. In our search for the spectacular let’s try not to take what we already have and perceive as mundane, for granted.
Have a lovely week ahead,
Nazam 💜
It's great to have you back!! ❤️