Phew! 2018 actually passed; who would have thought? Happy new year lovelies. I am actually excited about the New Year. It’s actually 2019 guys! It’s definitely going to take a lot of getting used to.  Nevertheless, it’s a fresh start, a time for you to pick yourself back up and keep pushing. Before the year starts fully, I just want to do a little recap of how my 2018 went. I really hope you don’t fall asleep halfway through. LOL

Well, my year started out pretty good. I mean I was up all night till the morning of the 1st committing the year into God’s hands so definitely it would. January definitely did not go by in a flash. Dear Lord! It felt like the whole year. Although, I think I spent most of it reading and writing exams. And then February came and it was resting time. I did have fun for the most of February and I made new friends. I also made certain decisions in February – not that I regret them – I just could have done better. But entirely, February was a good month. The last week of February took my phone at that time away and I actually almost ran mad. Moved on to March phoneless and it really was a crucial part of my year. That period made me realize my attachment to my phone and how much of a bad thing it was. Then again, that made me discover sides of me that I didn’t even know existed.  March went by in seconds and April came; sad to say but I went right back to my phone addiction. Generally, in the first quarter of 2018, I battled with laziness and misplaced priorities. It really did affect areas of my life. I think I reached a point where I really did not care about anything anymore. I was even getting ruder by the day. Thanks to the wonderful and understanding people around me anyway, I think I was able to get back on track.

By the second quarter, I was ready to get back on my feet again. May was another month full of reading and studying for exams. I was basically just going to class and reading throughout and then in the last week exams were upon me. I had my final exams and finally went home in June after a whole five months in school. My routine finally changed to chores-eat-sleep-phone. Fun, right? I know. The month of June was basically spent at home since I’m pretty much a homebody. July strode by and it was the actual beginning of my summer. July and August were pretty much just me sleeping, binge-watching YouTube videos (I deserve a pay for the amount of YouTube videos I’ve watched in this lifeπŸ˜…), bonding with my sister, being a tourist. A bombshell that was dropped on me mid-august almost ruined my entire year and I’m glad I didn’t let it. I was changing locations and it felt like someone pressed a reset button in my life. I was in denial for a while and I actually shut everyone out for like two weeks. That period showed me true friends I’d never risk losing in this life. One thing I learned during that period was not to dwell on the negatives, especially ones I can’t exactly change. When I started seeing more of the pros in my situation, I started to be happier.

The beginning of September was me still trying to come to terms with my new reality and getting adjusted to it. To be honest, when I finally accepted it, it wasn’t even difficult adjusting. Summer was over and I was back to another same cycle routine. School began and my life really just became centered on it. The last quarter of 2018 rushed by quickly for me and even though it literally just ended, it’s really all a blur. All I remember is really being stressed to my bones but I scaled through. I learned something major in the last quarter. I learned I did not have to hold on to certain people and things just because we had history. The last day of 2018 really did well to cap my year. I had the best New Year’s Eve in a long while. 2018 was a good year and I’m grateful to God for everything that did and did not happen.

This is pretty much the recap of my year. I know it was a little vague but I was trying not to make it too long. I really hope it wasn’t just some plain old story of my life and you picked one or two things from it.

Thank you for reading.

Oh wait, before you leave please check out my friend's blog. You won’t regret clicking here I promise.

Thanks, again.



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