Let's Talk

Hello, my beautiful people. How’s your year been so far? Mine’s been tougher than I expected but God is good.
 Well, well, well. Guys, I’m boiling in anger right now. Okay, I don’t even think I’m angry anymore. I’m just really disturbed and concerned about our generation at this point. Is this really what we’ve gotten to? The things I’m seeing all over the internet has me SHOOK! It has really shown me that not all that glitters is gold. I’ve seen tweets from people I thought were sensible and they are really leaving my mouth hanging. Before someone thinks I’m mad as I’m ranting without head or tail let me get to the point.
So our dearly beloved Folarin Falana A.K.A Falz the bahd guy dropped a song that was more or less a sneak peek of his Moral Instructions album. This song, Talk, was a little over 3 minutes long and it still did well in capturing some of our major challenges as a country but of course, there just had to be the set of people that had a problem with it. There were various lines on that song but it seemed like some people were specifically paid to take away focus from every other line and place it on just one. What line is that? I’m talking about the line about transactional sex. The line about “runs girls”. Paraphrasing it, he said some girls are not searching for jobs but instead rich men, turning their bodies to “cash-and-carry”.
If we’re being totally honest with ourselves, there’s no lie there. The main argument most people have against it is: why is he dragging the females when the males purport the transaction as well? Valid point, right? I have just one question. Actually, I have several but this first: would there be buyers in the first place if there were no sellers? I think not. While it is very true the men are supporting it by patronizing it, can we also tackle one issue at a time? Preferably, the root.
Now, some of these internet feminists are really taking the piss, to be honest. I say it anytime, any day that I am all for feminism but what some people are pushing is definitely not feminism. How can you claim to be a feminist and you are in support of your fellow female selling out her body to men for their satisfaction? Someone said they’re selling the service and not their bodies. Of course, because they’re using their souls to render the services? Saying they're not selling their bodies is like saying you're not buying the crate when you buy eggs. You paid for the eggs and they come with the crates so technically you bought the crate too. I’m also seeing things like, “Oh these people don’t have jobs and the economy is hard”. Granted.  But is prostitution the poverty alleviation scheme that highly influential feminists should put in place since our leaders don’t want to have sense? Since when did our bodies become commodities that we give out in exchange for material things? Or more so, even with pride?  I mean come on, is this really the world we want to bring children into? I’m even going too far. How about the younger generations coming up? Surely they’d see all these and would not see any problem in selling their bodies.
Also, since prostitution is now a noble job, I just am really curious on how proud of their daughter or sister they would be if she walks up to them and says she has decided her career path is prostitution. If one wouldn’t be so proud then I see no reason why it is being glorified now that it is someone else in the position. That is just the highest point of hypocrisy. Sometimes I want to believe these people just feel like talking because I find it hard to believe people really think this way. When some people are tired of arguing they just try to end the topic with “mind your business”. Lol. Since when did feminism become a case of minding one’s business? If everyone wanted to mind their business, nobody would be up fighting for female’s rights. “Minding our business” in this case is simply just contradicting feminism. Period.
I’m bothered about where we’re headed as the future leaders of this country. What kind of environment are we creating for the younger generation? Lol, now I sound like I’m old. But on a serious note. I know I’m in no place to judge because I don’t even have my own life together but some things really need to be looked into. Let’s not mislead people by being fake woke. Plis dear.
This is just my 2cents on the matter. I know it is quite a controversial topic but I just couldn’t help joining the conversation.

PS: I typed this up two weeks ago but I was a bit skeptical about posting; I finally decided to.

What’s your take on transactional sex? 
What do you think about “minding our business”?
Let me know what you think in the comment section. 
Thank you for stopping by,


  1. you can’t be see black and say it’s white. same way u can’t see evil n say it’s good. transactional sex isn’t n shouldn’t be the way. there’s lots of activities/jobs a person can do to keep a susbstinent account balance.
    nice work, my sister ❤️.


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